Grilled Texas Strip Steak

Grilled Texas Strip Steak

Prep Time: 5 minutes, plus 1 hour to marinate the meat

Cook Time: 12-18 minutes

Serves: 8


  • 4 1/2 cups vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup bourbon
  • 2 Tbsp. beef base
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 8 (10 - 12 ounce) Goodstock Strip Steaks, 1 1/2 inches thick
  • 2 tsp. kosher salt
  • 2 tsp. pepper


In a large glass baking dish, combine the oil, bourbon, beef base and garlic.  Set aside 1/4 cup of the marinade in a small bowl to use for basting.

Add the steaks to the dish and turn to coat well.  Let the steaks marinate at room temperature for 1 hour.

Preheat the grill to high and lightly oil the grill grates.

Drain the steaks and discard the marinade.  Pat steaks with a paper towel to absorb excess oil and season with salt and pepper.  Cook the steaks (in batches, if necessary) for 5 - 7 minutes per side for medium-rare, basting continually with the reserved marinade.

Transfer the steaks to a cutting board and let the meat rest for 5 minutes before serving.

Serve with your favorite vegetables and enjoy!